SECTION A. NAME. The organization shall be called the Oklahoma Association
of Retired Soil Conservation Service / Natural Resources Conservation Service
Employees ( OARSCS/NRCSE ).
SECTION B. PURPOSE. The major purposes of the organization are to:
1. Give former employees of the Soil Conservation Service and the Natural Resources
Conservation Service an opportunity to maintain friendships developed during active
careers with the agency.
2. Provide retirees current information on (a) SCS/NRCS and Conservation District
activities and (b) legislation or other developments concerning annuities.
3. Make available information about activities of SCS/NRCS retirees in agency and chapter
newsletters or other sources.
4. Supply information to encourage individuals to participate in developing sound
conservation programs.
5. Share experiences and opportunities among members through encouraging membership
and participation in and helping other conservation and professional organizations.
6. Encourage membership in the National Association of Retired SCS Employees or
National Association of Retired SCS/NRCS Employees, if there is a name change.
SECTION C. MEMBERSHIP. The membership consists of Oklahoma Retired
SCS/NRCS Employees or Spouses of Retirees, who voluntarily choose to join. Members
may reside in state or out of state.
SECTION D. LEADERSHIP. Elected Officers of the Association will provide
the leadership and volunteer help will be solicited from the membership. The officers will
be selected by the state membership (See SECTION E.). Current gatherings of local
retirees for coffee, fellowship, and other times are encouraged. Information gathered about
the membership and important to the Association should be sent to the
Secretary/Treasurer of the Association.
SECTION E. OFFICERS. The officers will consist of a President, VicePresident,
and Secretary/Treasurer. Officers will be elected from nominations, at the
September semi-annual statewide meeting. Officers will serve a one-year term beginning,
October 1 of the current year, through September 30 of the following year. Officers may be
re-elected annually. Principal duties of each officer are as follows:
PRESIDENT: Provides overall direction and guidance for the semi-annual statewide
meetings, presides at statewide meetings, and prepares or provides guidance in
developing information, releases, and agenda about meetings.
VICE-PRESIDENT: Serves as president during the absence of the president and
carries out responsibilities delegated by the president. Works with the
Secretary/Treasurer in maintaining current directory of retirees and the Oklahoma
SECRETARY/TREASURER: Maintains a record of the collection and disbursement
of funds. Monthly transmits information about activities of retirees to agency heads (State
Conservationist and others). Works with the vice-president in maintaining a mailing list of
Oklahoma SCS/NRCS retirees and Oklahoma membership. Sends information to the
national association of retirees on activities of Oklahoma SCS/NRCS retirees.
SECTION F. FINANCES. The association will operate on the voluntary
contribution of funds from members. The funds will be used to assist with postage,
newsletters, and other expenses to keep members informed and meet the association’s
needs. Members (April 19, 2001) elected, for all members, to contribute $10 per year to
the association beginning the 2001-2002 year.
SECTION A. MEETINGS. The statewide semi-annual meetings will be held in
the Spring (April) and Fall (September), unless determined otherwise by the membership
at one of the meetings. All SCS/NRCS retirees and their spouses, spouses of deceased
employees, and present NRCS employees, interested in the Association, will be
encouraged to attend. The Association Officers will determine the exact location and
dates of the meetings. An effort will be made to coordinate the meetings in locations as
desired by the membership and in coordination with other activities.
SECTION B. PROGRAMS. The statewide meetings will be flexible in time and
programs as suggested by the membership. General description of a meeting will include
refreshments, general program, lunch and lots of fellowship. The Association Officers will
develop the general programs for the meetings. The meetings will adjourn with time for all
to fellowship.
SECTION C. RETIREE NEWS. Send information about SCS/NRCS retirees or
local SCS/NRCS retiree activities to the Secretary/Treasurer as soon as possible.
Constitution and By-laws of this Association may be revised by a majority vote of
the members of the OARSCS/NRCSE Association present, at the next statewide
meeting, following the statewide meeting the revision is presented.
SECTION B. ORIGINAL ORGANIZATION. Gratitude to all retirees of the
“Saturday Club” and the SCS Retirees who have established this association and
set a path for all retirees of either SCS or NRCS to follow into the future. The
Oklahoma Association of Retired SCS/NRCS Employees will utilize the original
constitution and by-laws established in May 1978 as a reference and foundation for
future revisions
A printable pdf copy of the current constitution and by-laws can be found at the following link: